Cancer Update #3: Surgery tomorrow!

Please note, this language was adapted from an email, so please pardon if there are any lingering email references.

Just a quick "Hello!" before I head into surgery tomorrow, before dawn! I'm feeling very even-keel about the prospect of surgery, I think in large part because of my meditation practice (and let's be honest, the work I've done to accept my mortality. Come on in, the water's fine!).

Would it really be a full Julia experience if I didn’t encourage you to try out some kind of mindfulness? 😜 Especially if you're someone who experiences anxiety (doesn't need to be about my surgery), but really just anyone with a brain and body (looking at you) here are some of my favorite teachers on Insight Timer, a free app/website for meditations.

Bhanu Joy Harrison: She's a skilled trauma-informed mindfulness facilitator and lovely soul. I had the chance to meet her several times during my Training in Mindfulness Facilitation program at UCLA.

Selena Lael: I've not met her personally, but I've used so many of her tracks, from the Self-Soothing Practice to any of her sleep meditations. 10/10 recommend.

Jennifer Piercy: Also not a personal contact, but she's one of the top rated Yoga Nidra facilitators (did you know I'm a certified Yoga Nidra facilitator?). She has really wonderful sleep meditations.

If all else fails, crank up your favorite music and have a dance party! It's even better for your nervous system than you probably even know.

TOMORROW: I plan to send out an email once I'm awake and things are looking good, so you all know what's up. Likewise, I have drafted an email for Ryan to send out, if there are complications or anything goes totally not to plan (read: if I've died). I love my surgeon and feel confident in her abilities; she's also partnering with a neck specialist, so together there are probably several medical degrees worth of knowledge navigating 4 square inches of my neck.


Cancer Update #4: Post-op “Hello!”


Cancer Update #2: One week until surgery!